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Saturday, March 03, 2007
Posted by Jenevieve the way the Brits say "whining". I kind of like it, and it makes me laugh that Harry Potter's detestable family live in a town called Little Whinging. I heart Harry, and it makes me dance around like an overexcited puppy when I think about the last book coming out this summer! We get a book and a movie in one year; how fabulous is that?

*The rest of this post is much less cheerful, so feel free to skip it*

I have been feeling pretty down lately. Mostly, this comes from my realisation that I am officially The World's Worst Pregnant Woman. Seriously, I am pretty much miserable. Even when I don't feel like forcefully removing my own stomach contents from their proper home, I am exahusted. I am also constantly sore and achy (including places I have never considered possible outlets of pain), crabby, and depressed. My skin is bad. My nose is stuffy. I am constantly bloated, and have to pee every 20 minutes. Blech.

I feel like most pregnant woman love being pregnant, that they all maintain that everything after 12 weeks is a cakewalk, they they feel glowing and radiant and thrilled, and spend all their time looking at baby clothes. I know this is totally ridiculous, but it still seems like I'm supposed to feel, well, good about having a baby. I know some of you think I'm glowing, but I don't feel the glow so much. Just the wretchedness.

I am still really excited about Nessie. We had our 12-13 week ultrasound yesterday, and saw the little one dancing around in there like crazy! It was really neat, and I am definitely happy about the little parasite so adorably chillaxing in my womb. I am excited to go back to L.A. this summer and find out is it's male or female, to have a big party/shower planned by the inimitable sister/mother/best friend's mother combo, to shop for a maternity dress to wear to B&A's wedding, etc. I want the baby! I want the Nessie!

I just don't like the pregnancy part. And I feel ungrateful that I feel this way. And I feel like I am ruining our budget by only desiring foods that are undeniably luxury, like bagels and raspberries and Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milkshakes and pizza, while feeling nauseatingly averse to our stock dinner items like beef stew, curry, anything with chicken, most creamy things, the smell of cooked bread, etc. Ack! I am losing my mind! . Whinge whinge whinge.

Does anybody know how to deal with a grouchy, whiny pregnant woman?

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