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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Posted by Jenevieve
So, Matt woke up ridiculously (like 0500) early this morning, and I was feeling similarly restless. However, I am not a girl who gives up on sleep lightly, so I tossed and turned until I fell back asleep at 6:45. At 8:30, Matt came in to wake me up, but I felt significantly less grumpy when he handed me a mysterious package. "Here, we got this in the mail." Since I know Mom's sending me a package, I thought it might be hers, but the address was...

Davis, CA!!

Kayla sent us a package full of goodies: Girl Scout cookies (you understand, Kay. You understand), two cool Davis Vet T-shirts, a letter, and goodies from Megan and Chris' wedding. I was in paroxysms of delight.

Yay! I love surprise packages! I love friends! I love weddings! And I LOVE Girl Scout Cookies!

Man, I'm in a good mood. If only I didn't have an epidemiology final tomorrow and a kidney infection today. Depsite those, I am grinning (and eating a Samoa).

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