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Sunday, September 09, 2007
Posted by Jenevieve
Well, tonight is our last night of not having a child (cause we probably won't *have* a child tomorrow, but we'll *be having one*). We went out to lunch today and played board games and napped all afternoon. It was really awesome. I am so excited to have our little Methuselah soon (since that's everybody's guess for the name), and so thankful that he and I have stayed more or less well up to this point.

We're off to grab some drinks with some friends, and enjoy child-free company for the last time for awhile. Set your clocks to 1:00 p.m. Edinburgh time tomorrow to start praying for us- that the induction and labour would go smoothly, that I would be strong, that Matt would be a good labour buddy, and most of all that our son would arrive hale and healthy into the world A.S.A.P.

Love you guys!

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