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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Whoa, is Jeni Still Alive?
Posted by Jenevieve
That, my friends, is the question. The truth is that things have been pretty hard for me these days. Combining school and parenting, studying and sleep deprivation, along with healthy doses of frustration, depression, and general life-weariness do not make a blog-happy Jeni. I just keep telling myself that in 6 more weeks, things will start to settle down. The fact that exams are also in 6 weeks is a little fact I'm choosing to let slide just now.

Anyway, on to more fun topics. Here are some pictures of our 6-week-old baby boy!

Here's Hosea singing songs with Matt, something which I find almost preposterously adorable on both their parts.

We've recently found this position for holding him (with inspiration from Sarah). He seems to be amenable, at least so far.

Merv came over Saturday night and watched him while Matt and I went to dinner. It seems like they both had a good time.

Also, we've started ordering our veg from East Coast Organics, a local farm. They deliver a box of organic, seasonal veggies to our doorstop.

The ECO box.

Most of the contents of the ECO box. Note skull-sized celery root and humongous dirty carrots.

And, I'm off to sleep. Sometime soon I'll write a follow up on the breastfeeding situation as it currently stands.

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