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Monday, March 24, 2008
Posted by Matt
I was supposed to get this post up last night but in the midst of everything it didn't make it. Late Saturday night Jeni started feeling the same sort of pain coming on as when she had her first gallstone attack last week. She called the NHS and they wanted her to come in right away. So she went out and got on a bus to the hospital at 11:30 the night before Easter. They gave her some pain meds and kept her overnight. She was given two options: to wait in the hospital to see a surgeon and likely have her gall bladder removed in the next day or two, or to go home and set up an outpatient procedure sometime in the next several months. Since she had another attack just a week after the first one, even on the restricted diet meant to prevent attacks, she really only had one choice.

So Jeni spent Easter in the hospital waiting for a surgeon. A surgeon who never showed up. A surgeon who she's still waiting for today. In the meantime, after Saturday night's attack subsided Jeni hasn't needed any pain medication or fluids or anything. She's just sitting in the hospital, waiting. This week she was scheduled to work on the school's sheep farm to help out with lambing. That's obviously been canceled.

I'm at home with Hosea, Jeni's in the hospital waiting. well keep you updated as stuff (hopefully) happens.

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