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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Right on Schedule...
Posted by Matt
...all hell breaks loose. This will just be a quick rundown before I jump back into the fray. Yesterday through an oversight by someone at the school, Jeni found out about an exam she has tomorrow. Our little man has been sick for the last few days while we've been doing my dreads. Whatever he's got I caught, too. We suffered through it knowing that we'd get a break today. This morning as she was putting him down after his morning feed, Jeni's back went out and she dropped Hosea, thankfully only a few inches into his cot. She's in a lot of pain and can't pick him up, so my sick day's been scratched. Top it off with the facts that we're out of food, nearly out of toilet paper and that Hosea just dropped the two biggest poop-splosions of his life one immediately after the other. That pretty much sums up life right now.

I know a few Palmerston Place people have been reading this blog, so sorry that we weren't at church this morning. Feel free to leave comments if you like on any post, the party's open to everyone.

You all will have to wait a day or two for dread pics. I said I'd get some up once I felt like a real person again, and unfortunately that's going to take a little longer than I thought.

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