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Saturday, April 05, 2008
Posted by Jenevieve
The ever-fabulous Laura (who also babysat for us and cleaned our kitchen last night) brought back a little bottle of saffron threads for us from her 3-week trip to Spain. Having never tried cooking with saffron, or even eating it (apart from the 39 cent "saffron rice" tubes we ate as kids), I was intrigued but a little worried. This stuff costs more per ounce than gold! The last thing I needed was to waste 1/2 a bottle on a recipe I'd ruin and wind up hating.

Lucking, my preccccious (i.e., the google food blog search) didn't fail me. I found this recipe, which we made tonight. Fast, easy, cheap (except the saffron) and DELICIOUS!!! Yay for successful adventures in cooking!

ETA: Oh no! Ellen informs me I didn't actually link to the recipe I tried. Here it is. (It, and it's myriad leftovers, were incredible.)

Lentil Soup with Saffron Yogurt

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