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Saturday, October 04, 2008
Photo Dump and a Recipe-ish!
Posted by Jenevieve

Geez, do I ever love this baby. He's been a big ol' grump lately, between the teeth (up to 8!), the vaccinations, and the wrestling with naps. But man, is he ever cute. He holds stuff up to his ear like a phone, saying "Hello" or "Hiiiiii", plays the djembe with abandon, and confidently climbs onto every single piece of furniture we own. He likes to climb onto the chair in his room and just stare out the window for minutes on end. This afternoon, Matt and I walked into the living room to see Hosea just standing there, dancing along to Dave Matthews like there was nothing more natural.

Here's the wee bairn showing off his style. We call it "trousers head man":

And here he is playing with all the fascinating toys in the creche at church. He's a total bulldozer there, standing on other kids and pushing everything over.

Here's a nice pic of my hus-man, showing off both his awesome dreads and his mad sweater skillz:

And, a bonus: Cooking With the Prices!

Sausage Gnocchi, M+J+HB-style.
This was inspired by AJ this summer, personalised with what was in our fridge/grocery store.

First, get some awesome sausages. We have a leg up on you US-bound folk on this one, since the Scots know how to make sausage like nobody else. Make do with the best dang sausage you can find. Cook sausage using your preferred method (we baked it). Chop up into eatable pieces (smaller than the ones shown in the picture, anyway).

While the sausages are cooking, saute some onion, garlic, and tomatoes in several glugs of olive oil with some herbs and a squeeze of tomato paste. add a little water if you need to. You know, until it looks about right. Set aside, covered.

Boil some water and cook the gnocchi until it floats. Make sure it's all out of the bag first, and don't put the bag into the water. Just the pasta. Okay, now drain the gnocchi but don't rinse it.

Return the tomato sauce to the heat, and when it's bubbling a little toss in about 2 cups of finely chopped kale. Let it cook for about 2 minutes, until it's wilted but still a bit crunchy.

Dump in the sausage and mix, then stir in the gnocchi. If you weren't cheap +/- broke, you'd top with grated Parmesan. We did not.

Here's the finished product:

Here's the baby's portion. He ate it all. With gusto.

I'll post another cute video in the next wee while, so keep an eye out!
Edit: Put it up in the post below!

p.s. We're all doing pretty well and school's going great so far. Matt's Bday is Monday! And we get the cats Monday! And house group is Monday! Everything exciting happens Monday!

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