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Monday, February 23, 2009
...In Which I Apologise for My Apathy
Posted by Jenevieve
Yep, sorry about that. I'm a mom to a toddler, married to Matt, and trying to fit in an illicit yet steamy affair with vet school at the same time. I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to order my priorities, and blogging (at least for the next wee while) isn't high on the list. So. I'll update when I can, but no promises, and when I'm once again keeping my head above water, I'll pick up the pace a bit more.

In the meantime, what's up? Hosea just had his 17 month-day, and he's huge and cute. Staying true to the general Price February theme, he's been sick for weeks with this lame lingering virus thing. 1st, he had a high fever/lethargy/snotty nose. Last week, he got viral conjunctivitis (pinkeye), then on Saturday his eardrum ruptured due to a heretofore unknown ear infection. Special times, I tell you. Other than that, though, he's seriously awesome. He says things like "dog", "cat", "Theia", "duck", "flower", and "bus", can play along for most of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and knows several animal sounds. One of the cutest and most recent things is that if I say "Hosea! Stick 'em up!" He'll fling both hands above his head. It's hard to believe that he's so, well, toddlerish. Today Matt took him for about a 1/2 mile walk (holding Matt's hand and yes, I did measure it out on Google Earth). So cute.

Matt's been sick, too. He had his viral illness for days last week, but seems to hav mostly recovered. He's still playing in 2 of 3 church bands as well as the occasional extra gig, and has acheived "master bread baker" status, since he can pull 3 loaves out of the oven before most people are done googling a recipe. He can also braid a 6-strand challah without breaking a sweat. Yep, he's gooooood.

As for me, we finished up our equine lectures last Friday, and today we started in on exotics. By 'we', I mean 'the class', since I am running a >102f fever and got less than 3 hours of sleep last night. I crawled my way to the practical (they take attendance there, sigh), then crawled back home into bed. Hence the blogging. I'm going to Ireland over Easter to work at a clinic that specialises in foal medicine during the breeding season. We'll also try to see a sight or two since, you know, we've never traveled outside of Scotland. We'll also hug everyone's favorite friendbest, who happened to have signed up to extern at the same clinic and who will overlap me by 2 days!!! YES!!!!! I'm also doing 2 weeks of equine stuff here over Easter, and taking the remaining week to study my butt off. You know what they say, "it's better to enter the kingdom of vet medicine with no butt than to have both cheeks and work as a dog whisperer".

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I think. I'm going to put another layer on since my hands are shaking too much to type anymore.

But before I go, pictures!

Hosea carefully regards Katzen.

We call this look "The Dr. Mike"

I got to straighten my hair for the 1st time in about a year when Matt took me to the church's Burns' Night supper. I even fit into my favorite black party dress! Woo!

Hosea pretty much lives in this backpack. We bought it for a couple of specific uses (hiking in the Hermitage, going into small shops) but we really use it almost exclusively now, unless he's walking next to us.

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